A downloadable project

We are announcing our call for submissions for the first edition of Alien Baby, a free hobbyist genre fiction fanzine. Themes on gestation and/or the place of the alien in society are especially encouraged. Genres under consideration include science fiction, fantasy, horror, weird, and anything too strange to be classified. 

Work for Issue 1 of Alien Baby can take the form of a story, essay, review, 2D art piece, map, image, or any other form which can be displayed and distributed via PDF. Word-based works should be no longer than 2000 words in total. Primarily visual works should be no longer than about 4 pages and should be done in a portrait orientation. Zine pages are a standard 8.5x11in size with 0.5556 margins. 

No works which promote real world bigotry or hate speech will be considered, nor will works substantially composed by LLMs or generative image production programs. The editors reserve the right to reject works at their discretion. 

Interested parties may submit work to the email address in the available PDF.

The deadline for submissions to Issue #1 is 1/1/2025.


Alien Baby Issue #1 Call.pdf 755 kB

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